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Grandview Women

We strive to see women deepen their connection to God, to each other and to equip them to reach out to unbelievers.

Women in the Word Bible Studies

WOMEN IN THE WORD is an opportunity for Grandview women to connect, while deepening their understanding and faith in God through various studies.

We usually offer a Wednesday morning session and an
 evening session. The Wednesday morning session is held in the atrium at Grandview and offers an informal time to grab a coffee or tea and chat with other women before launching into the studies. Childcare is available only on Wednesday mornings at no cost for children under the age of 4. All children must be registered to attend.


When Words Matter Most

When a friend or family member is struggling spiritually, do you ever feel uncertain about what to say? You may sense your loved ones need to hear biblical encouragement or advice but, feeling inadequate for the task, you might simply commiserate or say nothing. God calls you to something more.

Over 8 weeks, we will read and reflect on the material of this book and learn how to develop the skills of discerning spiritual needs and giving biblical, heartfelt guidance. This book shares real-life stories and carefully chosen Scripture passages which model what to say to those who are worried, weary, wayward, or weeping. Through reading and time in weekly group discussions, we’ll learn how to speak truth to others in your sphere of influence and strengthen the body of Christ as a whole.

We are all needy and weak and need each other to grow in Christ. We also need to hear God’s word, and God uses others to speak that word to us. Join us in this book study so we can grow together, encourage each other and be challenged on how God’s word can be practically applied to our lives. 

Before Wednesday, January 15, please read chapters 1 and 2 in preparation for our first week of study. 

Facilitator: Kitty Piltman

Book: $15

Wednesday mornings

9:30am – 11:30am

January 15 – March 5

Childcare is available only on Wednesday mornings at no cost for children under the age of 4. All children must be registered to attend.

Book Pick Up for Registered Participants

Books are available for women who requested a copy when they registered. The books may be picked up from the church office or on Sunday December 29 & Sunday January 5, between the services, near the library. If you did not pay for your books online when you registered, a cheque or exact cash will be collected from you at that time.


Thriving on Mission Event
Saturday, February 8
9:00am – 11:30am
Cost: $10

Everyone has a story. For believers, the story of how we came to know Christ is unique and important to share with unbelievers in our lives. Many, of us, however, do not know how to talk about our faith or may feel that our faith journey is not very interesting. The good news is we can learn how to share our story winsomely and engagingly. Our faith stories matter! Many people are open to talking about the gospel after hearing a personal story of faith.

As believers it is our responsibility and privilege to share our faith, just as Christ commanded in Matthew 28:19-20:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” 


Come and enjoy a continental breakfast and fellowship, as we learn some simple and easy ways to open the door to faith conversations and how to authentically share our faith story. We will also hear from the experiences of others in how God worked in some amazing ways with the people they reached out to.

Recreational Women's Volleyball
Tuesdays  |  7:30pm – 10:00pm

Having fun is the priority, so no matter your skill level, all women 18 years and older are invited to join. You might even meet someone new. Bring your own water bottle and invite a friend, neighbour or coworker along. Registration not required. Drop in when you can!

Stay Informed!

Sign up to our mailing list so you won't miss out on:

  • Notifications about upcoming events and Bible studies

  • Encouragement for spiritual growth

If you don't want to miss out, then email

Also get connected by joining our closed Facebook group or follow us on Instagram.

For more information, you can contact the Grandview Women's team, and someone will get back to you.
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