Featured Courses
At Grandview, we take learning seriously to help us intentionally grow more into the image of Christ and make fruitful disciples. Featured Courses provide a space for in-depth study and discussion together in community. They are usually offered in six-week sessions, two times a year on Sunday evenings from 6:30pm-8:00pm.
We invite highly qualified guest teachers to instruct our members on topics relevant to Biblical understanding and engaging with our culture. Experience the joy of learning and application with others in our church family by registering for a Learning Centre Featured Course today!
Winter Courses: March 2 – April 6
Learning to Think Like Jesus
Through faith in Jesus, God gives us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and Scripture. This means not only knowing Jesus and life in Him, but also becoming like Jesus, and as Paul said, even having “the mind of Christ.” (1 Cor. 2:16). Having the mind of Christ, which enables us to better know Christ, and be like Christ, requires learning to think Christ’s thoughts after Him. In short, it means learning to think like Jesus!
Join guest teacher, Scott Stein, for this six-part teaching series from Prepared to Answer that will teach you the basic building blocks for every thought Jesus had. It will show you from Scripture how Jesus was able to think like Jesus. And, how you then can develop the mind of Christ, and learn to think like Jesus…about everything!

Introduction to Christian Beliefs
Peter Berndt will be teaching this course.
Knowing and understanding basic Christian beliefs is important for every believer to help us enrich our everyday walk with God and to be able to distinguish truth from error. Through this study, we will begin to gain a better understanding of the core topics of God’s character, actions, and His relationship to us now and in the future.
Using Wayne Grudem’s book, Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know as our guide, we will walk through specific topics such as the Trinity, Creation, Salvation, Angels, Satan, Election, Death, the Church, and Heaven to name a few.

Worship Matters
Micah Sauder will be teaching this course, which follows the video series, “Worship Matters,” by Bob Kauflin, Director of Sovereign Grace Music. It will help us discover a biblical theology of worship, and how that informs both our congregational worship and our daily lives. The course covers topics such as the heart of worship, the role of a worship leader, and how we can magnify the greatness of God in all that we do. This practical study will be an encouragement to all believers as we seek to better understand who God is and how to respond to Him in worship.

Baptism & Membership Classes
We also offer online on-going membership and baptism classes here at Grandview. If you are interested in getting baptized, becoming a member at Grandview, or just want to learn more, make sure you sign up!
Baptism Class
Baptism is a command that Jesus gives to those who have committed their lives to following Him. It demonstrates externally what He has done for us internally and eternally. As you walk into the waters of baptism you join in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection and celebrate with the Church in His ultimate victory over sin and death. Baptism also announces to the world that we are followers of Jesus and want to live in allegiance with Him.

Membership Class
Have you been attending Grandview for some time and would like to make the commitment to our church family by formally joining us in our Membership? We encourage you to sign up for our next membership class to learn more about Grandview and to take this next step in joining our Grandview family.