Sunday Morning: Grandview Kids (0-grade 6)
Nursery teacher / Assistant
ages 0-1
To ensure safety and loving care for babies (birth to 18 months) during the service. This includes ensuring room is clean and ready, holding babies, reading a short Bible story, calming children who are upset, playing with them and informing parents of any observations or need. To clean and disinfect used toys in the Nursery rooms.
Preschool teacher / assistant
ages 1-3
Facilitating and leading the young children through pre-set curriculum based on a Bible story which includes praying, simple songs, crafts and snack time. Requires preparation for the lesson ahead of the class. Manage and organize toys and classroom supplies. To clean and disinfect used toys in the Preschool room.
Elementary teacher
JK-grade 6
Leading the class through a lesson, memory verse and activity. The lesson, memory work, crafts and activities will be provided as part of a curriculum. Requires preparation ahead of the class, being creative to teach the lesson and building trust while modeling the love of Christ to the children.
Elementary teacher
JK-grade 6
Assist the Teacher in running the class, working as a team to ensure the teaching goals are being met and order is maintained in the classroom.
Hall monitor
Helping children
Monitor the foyer and halls during the service. Help the children’s workers as needed.
Check-in desk support
Kids name tags
Ensure all kids are registered in the system prior to going to the classes and leaders to kids’ ratios are compliant. Ensure kids name tags are printed and worn.
Mid-Week: Kids Club (grade 2-6)
Bible teacher
Ensure all kids are registered in the system prior to going to the classes and leaders to kids’ ratios are compliant. Ensure kids name tags are printed and worn.
Prepare, lead and teach about 10 children during the Small Group time (includes Bible study application, memory verse practice game, and fun educational activity) in cooperation with 1-2 co-leaders every Wednesday 6:30-8:00 pm from September-May.
Express your faith in Jesus and love for Him in your actions and words. Attend monthly leader training/planning meetings. Leaders also help plan and lead monthly Large Group events.
Sign up to Serve
Children's Ministry
Sunday Morning: Grandview Kids (0-grade 6)
Vacation Bible School
July 17-21, 2023
Open to children currently in JK to Grade 5 (going into SK to Grade 6 in Sep 2023).
VBS program (9:00am to noon) – $20 for the week.
Full-day option (9:00am to 4:00pm) – $120 for the week.
Sunday Children's Ministries
The Curriculum