This February 2025, we give our hearts and minds to the call of mission upon our church family. Jesus Christ came to this earth on mission and His plan of redemption now gives us our purpose… as the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you (John 20:21). Some people have a unique call to go to the ends of the earth, but all of us have the call to live on mission in our unique spheres of influence. Our job is to adorn the gospel with good works and to preach the good news faithfully.
Each week, we will showcase a different aspect of our efforts to share Christ. This includes our community impact, church planting and global reach. We want to pray for those missionaries entrusted to our care and support them in their work here in Canada and abroad. We desire to be prayer warriors for our missionary partners around the world and right here in our backyard.
Over this month, you are invited to participate in a month-long prayer initiative, enjoy the cultural diversity of our church at our International Celebration or walk to financially support the vulnerable at the Coldest Night of the Year event. May God use this month to stir our hearts for the mission of His church and His glory.
Life on Mission Events

Month of Mission Prayer
Begins Monday, February 3
Every weekday through the month of February
During the entire month, we will be praying for our Grandview mission partners. Every weekday at 6:00am, an email featuring a missionary or partner organization will come to your inbox. These emails will share up-to-date prayer requests, allowing you to support each one in prayer. You can also find these prayer requests in a printed prayer guide available at the Welcome Centre.
Make sure you are signed up to receive The Grand View (our digital bulletin) to receive these prayer prompts.

International Celebration
Saturday, February 15
5:30pm – 8:30pm
One of the highlight events of the year. Come and try food from all over the world in a cocktail-style reception. At 6:30pm, we will gather as one church in the Worship Centre. Musical worship in many languages and prayer for God's work of mission among us will make this evening together a blessing to your heart. You don't want to miss this!

Coldest Night of the Year
Saturday, February 22
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Walk begins at the Ray of Hope Community Centre
659 King Street East, Kitchener
Join the Grandview Team and walk in support of our Justice & Compassion partner, Ray of Hope. Sign up to walk and fundraise in support of those struggling in our community. Please walk with us!